Terms & Conditions of Trade

“Australian Consumer Law” means Schedule 2 to the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth). 
“Company” means Golden Mile Jewellery Manufacturers Pty Ltd (ACN 059 719 345) as trustee for The Erdogan Family Trust (ABN 38 634 493 046). 
"Customer” means the party placing the Order with or purchasing Products from the Company. 
"Order" means an offer by a Customer to purchase Products from the Company. 
“PPS Act” means the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) and its associated Regulations as varied from time to time. 
“PPSR” means the Personal Property Securities Register established under the PPS Act. 
“Products” means silver and gold bangles and chains and other jewellery products and includes any other product or service ordered by the Customer from the Company or supplied by the Company on the Order of the Customer. 
“Quotation” means a list and specification of the Products prepared by the Company with prices, either individually or in aggregate. 
 “Ts&Cs” means these Terms & Conditions of Trade as varied and applicable from time to time. 
“Writing” includes quotes, letters, fax, email and other similar electronic communication methods.